Meet the weAVS Partners

  • Arlesia Bailey

    Arlesia fondly refers to herself as Charley, Geneva, and Marie's granddaughter. All three grandparents migrated north from the Deep South, have seen and experienced a lot living in the USA.

    Those stories from her elders have had a profound impact on her and led to her commitment to engage in work that centers community voice, disrupts inequities, and leads to improved health outcomes.

    Arlesia is a Partner at weAVS Collective, as well as the Founder and Principal of Arlesia Consulting, LLC, a health equity and social justice consulting firm.

    She is a transformational and visionary leader with over 25 years in the healthcare field. She brings a strong combination of business, operations, fundraising, advocacy, and social justice skills.

    Previously, Arlesia served as a senior leader at a nationally-ranked pediatric hospital, accountable to lead the organization’s health equity investments, including a landmark expansion of primary care into under-resourced communities, as well as $125 million fundraising campaign. Arlesia holds an MBA and resides in Seattle, WA.

  • Victoria García Tamayo

    Victoria is the daughter of Amparo and Alvaro, whose ethical compass grounded her in equity. She is also the granddaughter of Herminia, mother of 12 and grandmother of 19, who grew up so poor she stole bones at the candle making business where she worked to make soup for her family.

    Herminia’s courage inspired Victoria to move 3,960 miles away from her hometown, Medellin, Colombia, to the Pacific Northwest and to later drive from Seattle to Patagonia with her partner and two teenage kids.

    As the Owner and Community Consultant of Contacto and Partner at weAVS Collective, Victoria brings over 25 years of experience in organizational development, communications, community development and community engagement—all centered in equity and belonging. Equity is, simply put, her life's work. As an immigrant herself, and acknowledging her privileges as lighter-skinned, college-educated, middle-class, cisgender, urban-raised Latina; she has intentionally invested her life in racial and social justice.

    Victoria holds college degrees in community development, communications, and journalism. She is the coproducer of the Emmy award winning documentary “¡Sí Se Puede! Connecting Farmworker Communities”.

  • Stephanie Hillman

    Stephanie grew up on a farm where elderly neighbors dropped by with fresh brown bread and stayed for awhile. Dropping by for a visit was the rule, not the exception. The cycle of life was seen everywhere, in crops, during calving, and at each baptism, wedding, and funeral. Working together got the harvest in before the first snow and kept the community thriving. Everyone’s contribution was felt. Stephanie works to gather people so they can share their stories and in partnership improve the outcomes that matter.

    Stephanie is a cross-functional, innovative, data-driven leader. She is an expert in healthcare, marketing, user experience, and customer-centric measurement. Stephanie learned early on how people working together can positively impact their communities.

    Her early, formative experiences now guide her collaborative work to implement systems that will improve the experiences of individuals and families.

    Stephanie is the Owner of PrairieWood Consulting, LLC and Partner of weAVS Collective. She holds a master’s degree in non-profit leadership from Seattle University. She and her family live in Seattle where they enjoy exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest and nurturing family and friends with delicious food and lively conversation.

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